
This is where I tell you a little bit about myself. I am 58 years old and I live in the Adirondacks in New York state. I am only an hour from the Canadian border. I used to work in the medical field but I don't any more. I guess you could say I am semi-retired. Anyway, I have a lot more time on my hands and I thought I would do some writing, hence the blog.

I have been obsessed about my weight and food for as long as I can remember. Writing is one of the ways that I am trying to deal with this once and for all. My views on health and food have changed drastically over the years and that has brought me to where I am today. My thoughts about how to eat each day are very influenced by listening to my mind and body and responding appropriately. I have switched to a plant based diet and no longer eat any meat. I eat very little dairy, just a small amount of plain yogurt and no sugar. I will occasionally eat fish as a source of protein, but very rarely. I am very interested in the Ayurveda teachings and find it fascinating that it has been around for over 5,000 years and is still so pertinent to our present day health.

I started this blog with the intent of writing about what was most important to me, outside of my family. The more I wrote and thought about things the more I realized that my health and that of the people I love was what I loved reading and writing about. So here I am putting it on paper, so to speak.

Since I have embraced a new way of eating it has literally changed my whole life. It has changed the way I feel therefore it has changed what I want to do, how I do it, and how capable I am of doing it. It has changed how I think about everything in my life. Therefore, food in a sense has led to increased happiness for me. I cannot guarantee that everyone will have the same effect from shifting to a plant based diet, but the only way to find out is to try it! Best of luck on this journey if you choose to take it with me.

I hope that if you have found your way here, you will find something that either interests or inspires you in some way. Enjoy!

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