’s 11 Most Popular Wellness Tips
|Hi Sweet Friends,
Happy (almost) Anniversary, darlings! It’s hard to believe that we’re already sneaking up on the first birthday of, which will be in September. Time sure does zoom. Next month, to really get in gear and mark the year, we’re going to kick off a massively fun Prevention Month, complete with all kinds of interesting posts, wellness tips galore, giveaways and goodies. It’s been such a thrill to share my life with all of you—from juicing to releasing Crazy Sexy Kitchen to renovating our farmette and chasing my rescued pup Lola around the yard. There have been so many good times since we kicked off this here hub o’ health, food and fun!
Each week I get so excited to see what resonates with you. There’s nothing better than seeing our space aflutter with comments, questions, ideas and love. So, I took a look back through the last 11 months and pulled together the posts that you adored most. Here’s a handy retrospective on our first (almost) year together at and collection of my 11 most essential wellness tips to springboard you into the next year of amazing health!
My 11 Top Wellness Tips
No, not your soul spark—the fire of chronic inflammation that’s waging war on your precious systems. When your body is in a constant state of fighting itself, it can open the door to pesky problems and make you more susceptible to chronic disease. From the kind of moisturizer you put on your face to the kinds of foods on your plate, there are a number of ways to reduce chronic inflammation.
When your bathroom visits are less than inspiring, it can indicate that your tooter isn’t working at its best (and that it’s time to talk about it!). Maybe you’re not getting enough fiber or water or exercise. Or perhaps you need to investigate deeper. Whatever the cause, this scoop on your poop will help you on your way to figuring it out.
When embarking on a cleanse, try to avoid driving yourself into a tizzy and getting overwhelmed. You can’t always do everything at once. Maybe instead of jumping from the Standard American Diet to a hardcore 30-day juice fast overnight, you enjoy a delicious green juice each morningbefore your cup of joe. Only you really know how much you can handle at once. Listen to your body. It’s the best coach of all. Ease is the name of the game, my friends. Making space to try out new things might mean taking little nibbles of them at first. And that’s ok.
4. Plan & Prep
If you haven’t taken my Crazy Sexy Meal Plan for a spin, um, what are ya waiting for? It’ll save you a lot of empty-fridge frustration, whittle down your grocery bill and help you eat more healthfully. Even beyond those big-time benefits, there’s the priceless practice of planning and prepping. When you attack any project, whether it’s your weekly meal plan, a house renovation or your next book, sitting down to figure out exactly what you’ll need sets you up for success. Sure, sometimes life throws in a wrench or two, but that’s ok. You’ll adjust, keep jammin’, and plan again for the next meal.
As many of you probably remember, back in February I celebrated 10 years of living (and thriving) with cancer. A decade. What made it even more momentous was that way back in 2003, when I was first diagnosed, the docs gave me ticking timer set for this year. Clearly, I couldn’t be happier that they were wrong. Find out about all this and more with my 10 biggest takeaways from the past 10 years.
Guess what happens when you have wholesome, yummy ingredients right at your fingertips? Yup, it’s about a zillion times easier to create delicious, nourishing meals instead of stuffing yourself with junk. My fridge volunteered to be a guinea pig, so yours needn’t be shy! Come and take a peek at what’s inside my refrigerator doors (and learn why!) …
Did you know that your gut really does have “feelings?” There are nearly as many neurons in your intestines as there are in your noggin! Your incredible digestive tract is one of the body’s most important systems and the bacteria living in this delicate world need to be in balance to maintain tip-top overall health. Eating whole plant-based foods, keeping stress in check and adding some probiotics into your regimen are a few simple ways to support your glorious gut. Find out other ways you can get your gut in shape and how a healthy digestive system can revitalize your entire well-being.
You guys seemed to really dig getting a peek at my plate in this video. Finally, I answered the question y’all have been asking me for years and it was so much fun (not to mention, totally delicious) to pull it all together just for you. Is it any shock that there were ample servings of green juice? Nope. You also won’t be surprised to see greens featured heavily in all of my meals, whether in a salad, side dish (sauteed with garlic!) or garnish. If you’ve ever been curious about my favorite meals, this is the place to start!
Ok, I’ll be honest, this was my favorite post. It’s so easy for us to judge ourselves. If we don’t have the “right” career or the “right” education or body or whatever the heck else, we often slip into a thick haze of unworthiness. I thought I had a pretty good thing going with the work I do and theCrazy Sexy sense of purpose it gives me, and then, blammo, life took me for a loop. After a soul searching, I’m learning to let go of my attachments to outside markers of achievement. Valuing ourselves from the inside out can drastically change our level of happiness. Try it!
You know that I love playing Sherlock. When symptoms pop up, it’s important to try to figure out what’s behind them (and not just think, “oh, sure, I’ve been lethargic for four months straight but it’s probably nothing!”). Apprehending the culprit behind your body’s clues can lead you in directions that might otherwise go unnoticed, like adrenal or thyroid issues. Getting to know you, getting to know all about you will help keep you in ship-shape and also help you recognize when things are off kilter.
11. Say Sayonara!
Toxic relationships, whether they’re with people, food or even yourself, can be difficult to get out of your life. But! Think of it this way: do you feel like you can take on the world after a solid night of snoozing? Imagine how much more effective, happy and free you would feel if your relationships recharged you like a good night’s sleep. Living with toxic relationships is like living with chronic insomnia. It can take time, but the ROI for creating space for healthy relationships in your life is off the charts.
There you have it. A list of my web home’s all-time must-try wellness tips. The smashing Emily Post said that the 11-month anniversary is the wellness anniversary, right? Thank you for being the best part of and here’s to many more blissful, interesting and healthy years together!
Peace & celebratory milestones,
This article was shared from, one of my favorite health and wellness sites. Check it out!
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